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Q: What are the system requirements for the Archimedia Master Player?

A: See our Technical Specification page on hardware and software requirements. In general, you need at least a 4 thread CPU to play SD and 24 thread CPUs to play lossless 10-bit JPEG 2000 HD. 8-bit and lossy JPEG 2000 formats requires much less CPU power. 


Quick tip - JPEG 2000 - Pause the video, right-click to select Options, Preferences tab, enter 25 in the J2K field. This reduces CPU usage and still looks great. To find optimal performance for that file on your computer, enter smaller numbers until the V-errors box flashes red.


Quick tip - DPX 4K and other large uncompressed files require fast disk access so try copying the folder or file to your computer. Write to for free advice about optimizing your computer and/or network.


Q: Is my format supported?

A: Yes, if we've seen it before. If we haven't, please just give us a sample and we'll support it very quickly. Archimedia is committed to supporting all master formats in this player. For example, although we started Master Player with a commitment to intra-frame master formats like JPEG 2000, we're working right now on inter-frame formats like MPEG2 Transport Stream and H.264 consumer profiles, and film-scan formats like TIFF.


Q: How do I upload a sample?

A: Just a few frames or seconds will work, or it can be as large as you like. We mainly need to see its internal metadata and check the audio format to optimize frame-accurate jog/shuttle/scrub. Give us samples from your own cloud dropbox or by FTP. We recommend an FTP application like Filezilla Client because browsers, Windows Explorer, and OS X Finder are slow for media files. Email to create a locked folder and private user credentials.

Q: Why is the video stuttering?

​A: Look at the Task Manager in Windows and see if the CPUs are running at over 90%. If so, then this means the CPU is not fast enough to decode the frames to produce smooth playback, or the disk drive access time is too slow, or the internal cache size is too small, and you will see the play buffer queue drops to zero causing a stutter in the video. See the technical specification page for system requirements or write to for free advice about optimizing your computer and/or network.

Q: Why is the audio and video out of sync?

A: If there are any dropped video frames, the audio and video will go out of sync. You can enable the re-sync option in the Advanced Options page so that if the play buffers fall to zero, the playback is restarted and re-synchronised.  


Q: Why does drag-and-drop work sometimes and not others?

A: Drag your file onto the controls panel of the player. If you drag onto the video pane, Windows may not recognize the drop.


Q: Master Player is a Windows 7/8 desktop experience, but is Windows Server also supported? 

A: Master Player works normally on Windows Server but your server may need free downloads from Microsoft for DirectX media display etc. Please write to for free help.


Q: Can I play out SDI?

A: Yes, we offer optional HD-SDI and 4K-SDI cards, please write to to learn more.​​


Q: Can I buy a workstation?

A: Yes, in HD and 4K Digital Cinema models, please write to


Q: "I need..." a feature so you can use Master Player where you've been using something else or been frustrated. New releases are frequent so please write to You are the source of our next features.


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